Posts Tagged ‘multireal’

David Edelman’s GEOSYNCHRON

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

So the bad news is that there are no more ARCs for THE MACHINERY OF LIGHT available. Re-reading the rules of yesterday’s contest, I note I didn’t do anything smart like say “while supplies last” or “the first three to respond with the correct answer win”, so I’ve had to piss off everybody who wrote in clamoring for their well-deserved copies.  Alienating my diehard fans—I’m smooth that way.  Stay tuned, guys, I’m doing what I can to get more.

In the meantime, the good news is that you CAN get ahold of Book Three right now, in bookstores.  Only it’s the Book Three of a totally different trilogy. . . for the last few years, fellow D.C. writer David Louis Edelman and I have been busy cranking out our respective trilogies, with our own dramatically different takes on the future of cyberpunk; well, he’s crossed the finish line first with GEOSYNCHRON, which brings the acclaimed (and quite brilliant) Jump 225 Trilogy to a halt.  Featuring gorgeous art by Stephen Martiniere, who you know and love as the guy who drew the cover of BURNING SKIES.  So what are you waiting for?  That’s what I thought.