Link mix for Monday/D.C. appearance scheduled at Artomatic!

Okay, so we got some cool links/news:

Top SF Twitter feeds worth checking out.  UPDATE:  btw, my own Twitter feed is here.

—Fellow SFNovelist Kelly McCullough’s new book MythOS is out; as the title implies, you’re looking at a world where the line between programming and magick is getting (very) blurred.  Very cool stuff, and worth checking out.

—At the invitation of military science-fiction colleague and general bad-ass Andy Remic, I’m now a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Ethics, which has the “aim of celebrating all that is positive in genre fiction.”  How this translates into day-to-day implementation is by definition a work in progress, but Andy assures me it doesn’t mean I have to stop my tales of mayhem and mass-slaughter.  Hopefully he won’t either.  This is a really cool initiative, and I’ll be posting more on it shortly.

—In the wake of Terminator Salvation, it’s worth revisiting this James Cameron interview on why Sam Worthington is going to kick Avatar’s ass

—And if you’re living in D.C., then keep in mind that Artomatic is the only game in town for the next month.  Be there or miss out . .  .and I’ll be doing a reading there on July 2nd!

Meanwhile, BURNING SKIES can be found on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere!

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