Win a copy of BURNING SKIES!

We’ve got only a week to go before the release of BURNING SKIES, but there’s no reason to let that stop you from the chance to win a copy of the BOOK ITSELF. I’m giving away two, count ‘em TWO copies, as well as one of those beasts known as an ARC . .an advance reader copy that Bantam circulated among reviewers a while back. The ARC lacks upfront diagrams and is riddled with typos, but it’s still a Historic Document, so you know you want it.  And all you have to do to get it is . . . .


There’s no right answer.  If it’s your fave, it’s your fave.  I don’t even care if you’re lying.  But you might want to delete the “spamsux” in the above.

Okay?  Winners will be announced on FRIDAY.

And if you hate competition, then just pre-order BURNING SKIES now and save yourself the stress!

9 Responses to “Win a copy of BURNING SKIES!”

  1. meesh Says:

    that’s it, just our favorite character…..with no explanation??

  2. David J. Williams Says:

    I might *demand* an explanation if the choice is sufficiently unorthodox. . . .

  3. John C Says:

    Well this is going to be an easy pick for me.

  4. Sam Says:

    I need to actually read Mirrored Heavens before I go about begging for a copy of Burning Skies. I just wanted to say thanks again for the copy of Mirrored Heaves dug the inscription.

  5. John C Says:

    David: I think Autumn Rain may be at work here. I have made two attmepts and this is what I get back:

    This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

    Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
    The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
    each recipient was rejected.

    Reason: : invalid address

    I think I need Clair’s help.

  6. David J. Williams Says:

    did you delete the “spamsux” part of it?

  7. meesh Says:

    oooh it’s friday. seeing as it’s only 630 in the morning there my guess is spartacus the wonder beast hasn’t even woken you up yet to announce the winner!

  8. John C Says:

    hmmmm has anyone done a background check on spartacus to see if he’s part of Autumn Rain? Kinda funny how he knows everything before Dave does.

  9. David J. Williams » Blog Archive » The winners!! Says:

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