End of the decade

I’ve been radio silent for a while here, but I daresay the end of the year is worth resurfacing for. Especially as THE MACHINERY OF LIGHT has been named the sixth best speculative fiction read of 2010 by Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, which is a nice way to finish up a decade that began with me starting to write the books that would take me on a very long strange trip.  To those of you who stuck with me for the whole trilogy, thanks for sharing the ride, and stay tuned for more announcements shortly.  So on behalf of me and ze cats, happy new year; may we have a better second decade then the last century did…

One Response to “End of the decade”

  1. AlexJCavanaugh Says:

    That’s awesome! Pat has a huge site. CassaStar made Edi’s Book Lighthouse’s Top Three Indie Press books, which was cool.
    I’m working on a sequel – something I never intended! What’s your next project, David?