Join Autumn Rain’s legions and get your name into Book Three!

I’m pleased to announce the creation of the Autumn Rain legions! All you have to do to join is sign up on the right-hand side of my Contact/More Info page, at which point you too can receive batches of cool 4×6 cards that you can plaster all over your local coffeeshops, bookstores, and libraries. Plus you’ll get your name in the acknowledgments of Book Three, and qualify to win an advance copy of the book!

You can also put your pen into the service of AR, writing reviews/blog-entries, etc. . . . and you can even go into your local bookshop and persuade them to carry BURNING SKIES if through some incredible oversight they aren’t already.  Joining the AR street-team doesn’t require you to commit to any particular activity; it’s whatever you feel most comfortable with.

And what makes all this particularly exciting is that I’m now featuring banner-ad widgets, so you too can take the code for my new banner ads, and plaster them all over the World Wide Web!  You don’t even need to join the legions/street-teams to do so!

And of course you can always buy BURNING SKIES!

One Response to “Join Autumn Rain’s legions and get your name into Book Three!”

  1. Словарь Юриста Says:

    списки кандидатов, выдвигаемые партиями политическими и избирательными объединениями (блоками) для выборах в представительные органы, проводимые по пропорциональной избирательной системе.