En Espanol

Just got word from Bantam that they’ve sold the Spanish language rights to MIRRORED HEAVENS worldwide. Hopefully it’ll hit some bookstores in South America, given that’s where all the opening scenes take place. Or maybe I’ll become like one of those heavy metal bands that fails to crack the U.S. but everytime they go down south, they’re playing in huge arenas before a hundred thousand die-hard fans. I’ll keep everybody posted.

And speaking of, er, fantasy:  following a very favorable recent review at Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist* (in which described the book as “a strong candidate for my Unexpected Surprise of the Year), Patrick kindly asked me to do an interview with him, and that’s here.   Tune in for my utterly uncontroversial views on why British SF is kicking American SF’s ass these days.

*He reviews science fiction as well.  But you knew that already.

3 Responses to “En Espanol”

  1. Kameron Hurley Says:

    Sweet beans!

  2. meesh Says:


  3. Brian Says:
