WorldCon Highlights
In no particular order:
The NORAD tour. What could be more fun than hanging out in the chambers from which World War Three would have been fought? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Having dinner with the folks from io9: I met editor Annalee Newitz on the NORAD tour; later in the con, I had the chance to hang out more with her and news editor Charlie Jane Anders. It was awesome to find that the io9 overlords are just as witty in-person as they are online. Plus the Mongolian stir-fry BBQ that they suggested rocked.
Clarion 07 classmate Derek Zumsteg one-upping Tor editor David Hartwell during the Clarion panel: following Hartwell’s comment about Seattle being a “swamp filled with half-formed egos”, Zumsteg shot back without missing a beat about New York City and all its “fully formed egos.” Incidentally, Zumsteg has a story in Asimov’s this month, so check it out.
Hanging out with Gail Carriger: Never heard of her? You will. Two years ago she and I were prowling the LA WorldCon as members of the wannabee novelist crew. And now we’ve both made the Big Leap: Gail just signed a two book deal with Orbit; her first novel, SOULLESS, will be out next year, and looks cool as hell. So does Gail, for that matter. This is a writer with some serious style. I predict great things.
Mary Robinette Kowal’s Campbell win: Her stories rock, and (taking nothing away from the other contenders) it’s nice to see that the Campbell doesn’t automatically go to the person with the biggest novel deal. Plus, I’ve never seen anyone more radiant than Kowal subsequent to the award. John Scalzi posted earlier today about the moment when the Hugo winners came past the Hyatt bar; it was pretty surreal to watch from the sidelines.
Elizabeth Bear’s Hugo win: Bear officially makes the transition from rising star to full-on star, and it’s about time. #$ awesome. As is winning story Tidelines.
Drinks with superagent Jenny Rappaport: who I met at the WorldCon two years ago, and is the reason why MIRRORED HEAVENS is published. But that’s nothing compared to hearing about her own writings, in particular being treated to a synopsis of her very first short story, written when she was in the fourth grade: The Tragic Demise of the Quack-Quacks. She promised me she’d post it on her blog some day; I hope that day is soon.
Getting back home to D.C.: it’s been a while. ‘Nuff said for now.
Tags: books, future of war, Hartwell, Mirrored Heavens, novel, science fiction, scifi, SF
August 12th, 2008 at 11:39 am
[…] David J. Williams Autumn Rain 2110 « WorldCon Highlights […]
August 12th, 2008 at 2:18 pm
Thanks for the props!