Latest reviews of MIRRORED HEAVENS

First the good news. From John Ottinger of Grasping for the Wind’s review of MIRRORED HEAVENS: “Very few books have ever lived up to overused description of a “non-stop thrill ride”. The Mirrored Heavens is one of those few.” He goes on to say that its “vision of a dark and terrible political future and constant and significant plot twists make this novel a book you could read twice, each time with a wholly new perspective.”  I particularly appreciated his insight that in many ways the book’s more of a spy thriller than a traditional SF read; of special note is his discussion about whether it veers closer to James Bond or Jason Bourne (in the course of which he becomes the first reviewer to spot the underwater volcano homage, but that’s worth a whole ‘nother post. . .)

With a review like that, you know the karmic balance has to be evened up somewhere; credit here goes to Tia Nevitt at Fantasy Debut, who notes that the book is meant to be a “can’t put it down thriller” but that it took her months and months to read, so that’s clearly not what it is.  She also finds my editor’s favorite character, Linehan, to be “repugnant”, which I’m guessing probably has something to do with his penchant for delivering one-liners while committing acts of mass-murder. And then the inimitable Claire Haskell is compared to R2D2, which I gotta admit I’m still scratching my head over.  But hey, Tia, as long as you don’t invoke the Star Wars Xmas Special, I think we can still be friends.

Anyway, never mind the critics:  some will like it, some will hate it, but only YOU can decide.  Did I mention the mass-market is available HERE?

5 Responses to “Latest reviews of MIRRORED HEAVENS”

  1. Joni Says:

    Different strokes for different folk (or how the saying goes).

    Personally I can say that I belong to the first group that just had to keep on reading.

  2. Tia Says:

    Hey, thanks for linking my mixed review! I always admire the heck out of authors who do this, but no one has ever done this with one of my reviews.

    I got a chuckle out of Robert at Fantasy Book Critic’s review–he scolded you for the thing about which I called you an artist.

    Claire and R2D2 both get you into secured areas and behind locked doors. Maybe I should have elaborated.

  3. John - Grasping for the Wind Says:

    Thanks for the link-up. sorry that first sentence was lacking a “the”. We reviewers really need editors sometimes, you know?

  4. David Williams Says:

    @Tia– ah-ha, I get it now! I thought it was because you thought Claire was three feet tall and metal. (i.e., I couldn’t figure it out! : )

  5. David J. Williams » Blog Archive » This writing life Says:

    […] . . is an ongoing series that John Ottinger over at Grasping for the Wind created and runs. As I mentioned, he reviewed MIRRORED HEAVENS earlier this week; he also was kind enough to invite me to appear on […]